実績:淡路島( 大浜海岸, 淡路夢舞台)・兵庫県( 神戸ワイナリー, 兵庫県庁, 須磨海岸)・京都府( 平安神宮, 天橋 立)・大阪府( 新今宮)・静岡県( 吉田公園)・東京都( 台場 / 太陽の広場)・神奈川県( 山北町)・徳島県( 鳴門)・広島 県( 広島空港) など、全国津々浦々
音楽フェス、オーガニックマーケット、映画祭、ウェ ディング、ボディビルディング大会、BBQ 場、グラン ピング施設、マルシェ、中高校教育施設、県庁、寺社仏閣、 住宅、保育園、孤児院、友達の結婚式など。
Born in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture in 2022. Without using any
hardwareat all, the structure is assembled with wood, string, and people.
A group of amateurs who create forms that suit the space and purpose,
whether for events, commercial facilities, or indoor/outdoor fields.
We They are messengers of a system that creates a sustainable
virtuous cycle between people and mountains to the world.
Awaji Island (Ohama Beach, Awaji Yumebutai),
Hyogo Prefecture (Kobe Winery, Hyogo Prefectural Office, Suma Beach),
Kyoto Prefecture (Heian Shrine, Amanohashidate),
Osaka Prefecture (Shin-Imamiya), Shizuoka Prefecture (Yoshida Park),
Tokyo (Daiba/Sun Plaza), Kanagawa Prefecture (Yamakita Town),
Tokushima Prefecture (Naruto), Hiroshima Prefecture (Hiroshima Airport),
and many other music festivals throughout the country.
Organic markets, film festivals, weddings, body-building competitions,
BBQ places, glamping facilities, marche, middle and high school,
prefectural government offices, temples and shrines, residences,
nursery schools, orphanages, friends' weddings, and more.